If I ever started a previous blog article with "best day ever", please disregard it.
It's The Best Day Ever! Whoever said Friday the 13ths were bad and unfortunate was most assuredly mistaken! They are the best! I shall never ever say the are bad, and if anyone disrepects Friday the 13ths, I will tell them that they are silly. They are most wonderful! You see, if you're patient and wait on God through thick and thin, He'll come through. God has never let me down yet, and I don't believe He ever means to drop the ball on me. I will relate to my avid readers what happened today. (Please note: I'm still 22, so something extraordinary has happened!)
First things first. Yesterday was GroupWise Training for the Mac, and I was signed up to go to the one right after chapel. Providentially, Mr. P came and sat in the row behind me, and he sat right behind me too! He never sits with Design. He's always with his marketing cronies. Anyway, Barry asked him if he had heard about the classes, and Mr. P said no. So Barry told him to come to the class right after chapel. I almost flew out of my chair! That was my class! After chapel, I made my way up to the training room. The whole front row was taken, so I took my usual spot in the back row, the left most seat of the three computers. Then in came Stephen followed by Mr. P! Much to my chagrin, Stephen took the chair right next to me, but that's okay, Mr. P had to take the last seat, which only one away from me. The class lasted almost three hours. Three hours in the company of Mr. P! At one point I had a question, and the instructor didn't know the answer, but Mr. P leaned over, and said my name *sigh* and told me the shortcut he had devised to get around that problem. I most gratefully told him thank you (more so for saying my name than anything) And he was looking straight in my eyes! *sigh* Amber was in that class, and we were shooting e-mails back and forth to eachother about it, and her other little secret. By the way, congradulations Amber!
Today, I brought cookies in because my birthday is tomorrow. I set them up in my cube, and sent out an e-mail to Design and Mr. P, and invited them to my cube to taste my delectible cookies. I was all alone in the big design room (everyone else had gone to the GroupWise training today) and I sent Al a job related e-mail. Then, in a spurt of boldness, I tacked on this last little line: "By the way, does Mr. P have a girlfriend? I was just curious" (I used his real name though, Al would be clueless as to who "Mr. P" was) I shut my eyes, and hit the "send" button. Eeeek! I did it! I was both excited and nervous to get Al's reply back. So I called Ma to tell her what I did. I talked to her for a little while, and then I hung up. I got out of my chair to put something away, and who was waiting a little ways away from my cube?... Mr. P! He said he had come for a cookie, I said "sure, go right ahead!" And he took one, and held it, and I quickly remembered something that Ma had wanted to know from someone who does "journalistic" things, and Mr. P was just the person to ask. So I did. My legs were like Jell-O and I had to "casually" lean against my desk so that I wouldn't fall in a heap at his feet. I didn't know that stuff like that happened in real life! I've read about it in books, but they were fiction! After some conversation, he turned to go and said thanks for the cookie, and I told him he was quite welcome. Then I had a huge smile on my face that I had to try to compose before I went anywhere else.
And then later, I got an e-mail back from Al. He said he was 98% sure that Mr. P didn't have a girlfriend, but he could find out for sure if I wanted him to. I wrote back and asked if he could, and if he did, I would let his team win in Call of Duty all next week. Then he wrote back and said "Oh my! Someone has it bad!" Yeah, I guess I do.
And that was my most wonderful day ever! I can't contain myself! I think I need to play some Dance Dance Revolution and burn off some steam. And then maybe I won't be able to sleep, in which case I'll get up and play Medal of Honor until I drop over my keyboard! Oh, I can't wait till Al gets back to me with his results! Maybe he'll drop a couple of hints along the way too!
Well, I'm still smiling, but I have nothing left to write. I think I'll go and find something useful to do.
Wow Heather! Friday the 13th's curse has been broken! You and Mr. P. have just made the world a happier and safer place. Have a really fun birthday tomorrow!
What a great day! I'm glad it was the best day ever. Al is the person perfect to help Mr. P along.
This was my last day talking to you as a 22 year old. Tomorrow you'll be 23. You're so old, I'll be waiting for Karen to tell me we have a new admit- a Miss Elizabeth Bennet. :oP
I just wanted to be the first to say Happy Birthday on your birthday!!!
Now off to bed.
Noooo! My clock is off by a minute. Stupid computer. Now it's your birthday.
Thanks! I'll always remember that you were the first person to wish me happy birthday!
Ahh, I have missed your birthday by 51 minutes - so, happy belated birthday miss smiley!
Ok. I can't wait another day. I felt it in my bones since I first heard of Mr. P.that this is gonna be big. He has seen that pretty young lady in the next department, but wait untill he discovers that beautiful soul inside her. Give him time to find it and it will all be done.
Hooray hooray!
What a wonderful day,
Today has been great,
It's a date of first rate!
As I walked from my car,
Over there not too far,
I saw Mr. P
coming towards me.
He said hey hello!
I resonded like so:
Hello and good morning!
And we went on talking.
We talked of missions,
And of opinions.
The door he did hold
Now haste! No time to get old!
I walked through the door,
And we talked a little more.
Then parting did come,
At stairwell number one.
Oh what joy I did feel!
My smile was so real!
And I feel so giddy
That I wrote this stupid ditty.
Someone has turned out to be quite the poet. :oD
Aww! I'm so excited!!! I've got that fluttery feeling in my stomach like it was happening to me!
well, well, well Miss Smiley - you will think more highly of my advise in the future, I take it?
Just remember to stay focused on the One who always smiles at you and not on Mr Dreamy P
Don't worry Halfmom, God is my priority, and I seek His advice first in (almost) everything. The things I don't seek His Advice in usually go south.
I thought so - but I wouldn't be a good halfmom if I didn't remind you! So, next time - you can be a good halfdaugher and remind ME!
I'm very distraught over the fact that Mr. P never came downstairs. I was hoping to see him again and that might have come over and talked to you.
It was still fun to eat with you, meet Brooke, and loose at Dutch Blitz.
Sorry about my not updating this on schedule. I can't get onthe internet from my computer and all my files are stored there. I will have Mr. Bennett look at it tonight though and see if he can't fix it.
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