This is my most recently completed art project. Please forgive the glare at the bottom, that's what happens when your camera has a flash and your art has a high sheen of gloss all over it. Anyway, it took me long enough to finish. I think I started it in the early summer or late spring of last year. It looks pretty good though. Special thanks to Dan, Miriam, Janelle and Laura, who, along with myself happen to be my subjects. (Please don't hate me if you don't like how I drew you! I tried my best!) I hope everyone likes it.
Next order of business. February 19th I am leaving for my missions trip, so don't expect to see any updates or comments from me until after the 26th of February. I'll be mucking out Biloxi Mississippi from hurricane damage. I'll make a special post when I get back all about my trip. It might break my traditional layout of one picture per post. I'm looking forward to it, as it is my first missions trip. Time to get to know the co-workers real well as I get dirty with them. I'd like to commemorate the Audio A song "Dirty" as my theme song for my trip. I'll listen to it everyday. (Actually, I probably won't). But I'm sure I'll get dirty and stinky and all that good stuff.
I don't really have anything else to write about except this: Did I ever mention that I don't like typing on a PC keyboard? Everything's so spaced out and far away! Give me a Mac keyboard any day over this one!
And so this is farewell. Please pray for me as I'm on my trip, I can be a little bit of a Klutz and I don't want to end up with a nail in my foot, or fall off a roof. And pray for the people we'll be ministering to as well. This is a great chance to witness to them in their time of need. And as Lizzie goes off into the deep South, she hopes that her alter ego of Captain Klutz might stay home. He gets a little break next week from the everyday trials of WWII.
Wow. I love that shading on the upper lips. :oP
I'll miss you(and I'm not the only one...) but I know you'll have a great time!
It took me like, three hours to shade the upper lips. It's pretty much the best thing I've ever done.
-Lizzie Dynamite
That's great! I like it. Have fun in Mississippi!
waaaaahhhhhhhhh. I miss my Lizzie. :o(
Don't cry! I'm back home y'all!
Is that you Lizzie, dear? Whaaay, ya look so yoouuung!
The Southern Belle is back!
Now complete with all sorts of skills. Power tool skills...sheetrock skills...knocking down skills...housebuilding skills...pulling nails out of the ceiling and falling and almost breaking her neck skills...scratching up her back skills...going to bed early skills...taking a shower in 5 seconds skills...finding random relatives skills.
Man. All sorts of skills.
Glad you're safely home!
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