After three and a half months, the prodigal gecko has returned. That's right! I speak of Stitch! I was at work last Friday, and Josh calls me to say he found Stitch, alive! I was shocked! I signed him off as dead three weeks after he ran away! Sunday morning Dan was able to catch him, and I now have my little gecko back! I had to go out to buy him the fattened cricket (and another light! I put all his old stuff to use on Algy's home!) Stitch has adjusted well to his new home after a long absence.
Dad has gone back to the hospital and had more surgery. It has been up to me to keep my brothers fed and all that good stuff. I also have to watch the dog (almost a full time job!) I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I do know that while I was at JoAnn's this evening getting white thread, Sadie fell or jumped out of the boys second floor bedroom window. What they were doing with the screen up, I don't know. Miraculously, Sadie wasn't hurt! And that's saying a lot since all she had to land on was a hard concrete porch! It must have looked funny though if there had been any passersby: a little black dog falling out of the sky! Poor Sadie.
I did see Mr. Bennett today (aka Dad) and he looked pretty good. I walked with him four times around the floor where his room is. In usual custom, one of the boys accidentally elbowed him in the stomach, that's got to hurt! He had a very nice CNA there, and I thought of Lady Fair. She might make a great CNA on a cancer floor because she's so kind and compassionate.
Well, housekeeping is wearing me out, and it's late. I'm going to bed. But first, my music and movie picks of the week:
Lizzie's music of the week: still the Face of Love by Sanctus Real
Lizzie's movie of the week: so far the BBC production of Wives and Daughters (I'm only halfway through, but it's good, at least, the boys and I like it!)
Happy Easter to everyone, celebrate that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and then he conquered death and rose again!
1 comment:
"Poor" Sadie, my foot. That was dumb of her. I'm glad we're not the only ones with a dog who does stupid stuff. :oP I'm surprised she didn't kill herself. Maybe she's an adrenaline junkie.
And remind the boys to keep their screen down. Dumb dogs *don't* learn. Just wait for her to try it again. Take Sugar, for example. Her favorite perfume is Skunk. She can't get enough of it.
Compared to Algy, Stitch looks so tiny now. I'm happy he's back home, safe and sound(and probably a little warmer).
I'm glad you're dad's doing better! We've all been praying for him.
If I ever get the nerve to try something new and out of my comfort zone and leave Fairview and work in a hospital, oncology sounds like an interesting unit. Hospitals have more paperwork, though. Fun stuff.
Well, maybe when Chris tells us we're going to start working in the kitchen, too, along with all the *other* stuff she's added on to our job description(because, you know, Katie and I are CNA level 2's and we get paid more and can handle it, even now with 50 residents between 2 of us, we *don't* have enough work to do...), I will have had enough.
And now I must bid you adieu, as Kara has been asking me every 10 minutes for the past hour when we're leaving for Emma's party and now it really *is* time. See you tomorrow!
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