Huff puff is right! I played soccer with the boys today. I haven't played since high school gym. Not REALLY played. I did really good until the last minute. I tried to kick the ball from Jon and he caught my shin cross grain with his leg. Ow! I'm getting a bruise and a bump. Ice is cold too!
I just turned in the volunteer questionaire form to Samaritan's Purse for my group from church to go. Now I only hope that they have the dates I need available. We'll just have to wait and see. I got a pretty good sized group together, and I can't wait to see what God has in store regarding this trip.
Well, in other news, things have been going along well, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for me as far as that goes too. It could be getting exciting, but isn't life alway exciting? I think so.
I don't have much to write about today, but I just wanted to say hi to my one solitary follower. Hi Lady Fair! Sunday should be exciting! I can't wait!
My music pick of the week: take a guess, the Face of Love.
My movie pick of the week: I only watched one, so it'll have to be it, X-Men 2.
The end. By the way, check out Anonymous 342's spot. He wrote a new article. *gasp*
Hi, Lizzie!!!!
I'm excited to see what God has in store for you, too. :o) I'm confident that it won't be anywhere close to boring.
Well, I should tell you goodbye for tonight as it's almost time for me to go unload my brain of all the knowledge that has accumulated there over the past few weeks and apply it to rather practical purposes.
In other words, I need to go take my final.
Woah. I have no idea how I got home last night... Thanks to Katie's welcome to drivers ed "find-out-how-much-you-can-drink-before-you're-about-to-black-out-o-meter", I made it home safely...somehow. Scary thought.
Wow. Aren't you glad I'm only joking? :oP
Lady Fair is not your only follower,just the one with the most time to leave comments! What you write is always such a breath of fresh air compared to others your age - it does an old person good to read here!
I'm glad! I don't want to sound melancholy and depressed. There's so much in life to be happy about that I can't be a breath of dank stinky air.
Today's the day! I hope you're feeling reeeally goooooood now that you're all doped up and your jaws are feeling about 4 teeth lighter. Say goodbye to your pressure headaches, and hello to lots of vicodin.
I hope you'll feel better soon!
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