Awww, isn't it cute? Those little animals are so adorable! They are supposed to be Milo and Otis, the curious cat and the pug-nosed pup. I don't know what wrong with me. I can't stop singing stupid songs! And Phantom of the Opera tunes with different words. Same story for Wicked songs. And don't tell me it's because I'm in love, because I'm not. I'm just truely deep down inside happy and joyful inside! I've got the joy (aubrie) joy joy down in my heart! Wher? Down in my heart! Where? Down in my heart! Down in my heart to stay! And I'm so happy, so very happy, I've got the love of Jesus in my heart!
I have felt very worry and care-free in the past two days, even though I'm up to my eyeballs in mock ups and presentation folders at work. It's a very good feeling. Maybe it's because I found out that Dad's CT scan came back clear. Maybe it's because I cast all my cares upon God. Maybe it's the exhileration of summer. Maybe it's all of the above. Whatever it is, I like it.
I bought my very own, left-handed dulcimer almost two weeks ago in Shipshewana. It's so cool! I can play it, and I'm learning it. and I'm very excited about it! I also bought the Pride & Prejudice piano music, and I'm learning those songs too. Being back at the piano after years of sporadic playing is very nice. Especially when I'm playing songs that sound just like the ones from the movie! And not just any movie; one of my favorites! I'm becoming musical again. I wish I could take my dulcimer to Biloxi when I go again next week, but I don't think there will be enough room in the van, and the heat and humidity down there could hurt it. Anyway, I might be too tired to play it. I'll be happy to look forward to playing them when I come back.
That's right, you read correctly. I'm going back to Biloxi next week with a group from church. It's going to be killer fun! (Not that we'll be killing anything, on the contrary, we will be rebuilding!) I'll tell you all about it when I come back.
It's 10:00 pm now, and I didn't make my lunch yet, so I'd better get to skipping! Peanut butter, apples and craisins, here I come! No matter what anyone says, that is the BEST lunch in the whole wide world. Mmmmm Mm.
Lest I forget:
Lizzie's favorite CD of the week: shuffle all 712 songs on my iPod.
Lizzie's favorite movie of the week: Pirates of the Caribbean.
Lizzie's favorite book of the week: I'm starting Black, by Ted Dekker. It's pretty cool!
Lizzie's favorite instrument of the week: tie between piano and mountain dulcimer.
Lizzie's favorite list of favorite things: Lizzie's list :)
And last but not least, a quote from Tyndale's first (but not last) design summer intern, Miss Missy:
Quote #8 from volume #1
"How can I put this to you? Mmmmm. Well, I didn't sign on to be an intern to scan or do anything that's boring. It's my summer vacation after all! Gee... it's like a prison in here!
And I can't resist one more... wait... two more!
Quote #3 from volume #1
"Well, I don't think the warehouse will be hard work. When I was a little girl I rode horses on our estate and I'd have to clean up messes... we have people for that sort of thing now..."
Quote #3 from volume #2
"Whatcha mean I have to keep redoing it until I get it right? I'll be here forever!"
It is great news about your dad, for sure!!
When do you guys leave for MS?
Sounds like "Miss Missy" needs a good spanking!
You should publish the book of Missy quotes. You'd be rich in no time. In fact I'll prebuy copies of it tonight for myself and all of my friends. :o) It would be priceless.
I'm so excited about this trip! Yay Biloxi!
Btw, Halfmom, that's exactly what I told her the first time she told me about Missy. She needs a darn good spanking.
I've got 17 more Missy quotes, in case you're interested.
And hooray! I got a new position in Tyndale's design department! I'll be title a "Production Artist" now! When I get back from Biloxi, training begins!
Biloxi or bust!
very excellent Miss ARTIST!!!!!!!!!! and indeed, I would love to hear the rest of the Miss Missy quotes. Perhaps though, I think you should write a book of comments (yours) sort of like a Miss Manners column so for each of Miss Missy's quotes, you should have a Miss Manner's Responds. That would be quite wonderful!
Be safe in Biloxi!
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I surely love that last comment from Little Missy, I wonder where she might be right now?
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