Can you believe it? The wooden box told me I was hot stuff! (Too bad that light was on and I posed for that picture, when I really did it, it said I was... nevermind. Those are dumb games anyway!)
So it's been a couple weeks since my last post. Let's see, what can I tell you, my avid readers, about. There's just so many of you! (Hi Lady Fair) Oh! Here's an interesting bit of news. I'm going to make a Jane Austin-style dress, like from Pride & Prejudice! I'll put a picture of it on here when it's done.
I also moved to a new cube at work. I left the Big Room (sniff sniff!) Although I won't complain, I can see sunlight where I'm at now, and eventually Amber is going to move into the other side of the double cube. One downfall: it's stinking cold out in the hallway! I notice a lot more traffic out there too, back in my old corner I only had visitors if they came there intentionally. Now people come by my cube and stumble upon me, and then they talk to me. That's nice. I bought a new fish for my cube today. Mr. Knightley. How fitting. In case you weren't aware, that's the hero from "Emma". I've started doing jobs too as a Production Artist. They're fun. Currently, you could call me a Production Artist Electronic Systems Assistant. Whew! What a long title!
Now this next part is all hypothetical of course. So let's just say someone liked somebody, but they had no idea what the other person felt. So that person went back and forth all the time, "they like me, they like me not" etc, etc. I think that person would be mentally worn out! And of course, that person wants to make sure they are within God's will too. How complicated. I don't know anyone like that though. That was purely hypothetical.
I think I'm going to go make some paper flowers now. I'm feeling particularly crafty right now. Maybe I'll play a little piano and some dulcimer too. But before I go, I haven't forgotten Lizzie's picks of the week!
Lizzie's favorites of the week:
Lizzie's favorite movie: the five hour long Pride & Prejudice! Thanks BBC and A&E!
Lizzie's favorite music: I'm going to make this a top five.
1. Emma soundtrack
2. Sense & Sensibility soundtrack
3. Alison Kraus & Union Station's Lonely Runs Both Ways
4. A Collison or 3+4=7 by David Crowder Band
5. Wicked Soundtrack
Lizzie's favorite book: Black by Ted Dekker (Red is turning out to be pretty good too!)
Adios amigos.
A move can be such a sweet sorrow. I'm glad you're settling in. And I'm glad you're in more of a central location. That may bring more opportunities. :o)
I'm so lucky. I got a sneak peak at your way cool dress before the rest of the world. I found myself trying to justify the desire to make one. But I will not succumb to temptation. I am determined to finish my civil war dress, in spite of the wicked bodice.
Until tomorrow.
Coming soon! An unforgettable tale of adventure and suspense in a style much like that of a big fish! Don't miss it! Check back soon for complete story!
SOMEDAY my cube will come...
Okay Amber, remember how I said plans had changed for lunch with my friend? What if I told you that I had changed them? Not surprising huh? Here's how it went: the past couple days I have been feeling very much like I should have some idea as to whether or not certain person likes me. I was praying about it last night, that I need to find out soon because I don't want to be chasing after things that aren't God's will for me. So this afternoon, when certain someone said "lunch at Portillo's" I thought, "opportunity to find out more?" So I cancelled on my friend. I admit, I felt momentarilly like a jerk, but I think she understood.
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