Now if you need to laugh, you can just look at this picture. It'll solve your case of whatever has you down...temporarily. I just couldn't resist taking a picture of this hilarious set-up. Now I've posted it on the World Wide Web for the whole wide world to see! Bwa hahahahahahahaha!
Well, that's all I have time for, but if you check back soon, I'll have a really cool picture to show you. I just have to go to the DMV and make sure it's mine to show first. Now I've got you breath baited!
I won't forget my favorites though:
Lizzie's favorite music: Sorry all you rock 'n roll fans, I find myself getting tired of the same old beats and riffs and stuff. Rock went on a sabatical. Hello country! This week I'm liking Alison Kraus again, and I tried Rascal Flatts today, they weren't bad!
Lizzie's favorite movie: the Little Mermaid!
Lizzie's favorite book: I actually haven't had a whole lot of time to read, so I'll say the Bible, since that's all I read last week and I'm always reading that.
Lizzie's favorite quote she heard: "Okay, I'm not going to be jealous of you twice in the same day!"
(hint about next post: vroom)
For those of us who can't really tell, Rob is wearing a ladies' black felt hat with a ribbon bow and feathers in it...
It was very entertaining.
Quite so...
I think they both look either drunk or high on some illegal substance.... but that's what makes the pic so very much fun.
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