After all my years of searching! The cave of Wond... Hold on a second, this isn't Aladdin. Start again.
After all my days of searching! Behold the future color of my motorcycle! I've been pondering for a good long time now, and yesterday morning (maybe Friday) I was at the stop light on President and Geneva, and this sweet color caught my eye in my rearview mirror. A sleek little mini cooper bearing the new future color of Figment the motorcycle! As soon as I saw it, I knew I had found my color. Pretty, idn't it? (I spelled it like that on purpose). It's going to be a sweet little bike come spring. I can hardly wait. It's going to be the color blue shown above (or next to, depending on how this text flows) and there's going to be thin silver pinstriping! Nice!
I'm learning all about motorcycles now. I can knowledgeably bandy about words like triple tree, clutch, sprocket, cam chain (although my bike doesn't use a cam chain), forks, fork seals, bearings, and T6 3.5/4.0 tubes and lots of other goodies. Probably all the stuff we're using to clean up the bike causes cancer in the state of California... Good thing I'm not in California, huh? But I've had chances to bond with my dad and my brother. Can't complain about that.
You know, it's been an...interesting...couple of weeks, but I won't go into much detail as I'm preaching to the choir here. Speaking of choir, I went downtown to Moody Bible Institute for the Handel's Messiah concert; it was wonderful! It's quite different from the Do-It-Yourself Messiah that I've been in for the past couple of years. I guess that's the effect of more voices and bigger orchestra. I'm inspired for the next time my church does the Messiah oratorio.
Well, I can't think of anything else to write, so I'll go ahead and round up the Lizzie's Favorites List:
Lizzie's favorite book: "The Brethren" by Beverly Lewis. It was the last book of a series. Exciting conclusions!
Lizzie's favorite music: the "O Brother Where Art Thou" soundtrack. The movie was okay, but the music! Ahh, puts me into a hillbilly state of mind and makes me want to sing "I'll Fly Away" and other good ole folk songs.
Lizzie' favorite movie: LORD OF THE RINGS!!! (That would be the Fellowship of the Ring, the Two Towers, and the Return of the King.)
Lizzie's Quote of the Post:
"Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn!"
-Theoden, King of Rohan
By the way, Mawmaw and Pawpaw, if you're reading this, I and my Mom say hi. Hi!
Happy birthday Lady Fair!
Of course we're reading it. I think it is so exiting and Paw Paw thinks, Oh No !!! What is she doing? I say go girl.
Love you, Maw Maw
Tell Paw Paw that since I wasn't going to Mars, I had to find some other sort of adrenaline rush. I'd take a motorcycle over a spaceship any day!
I love you!
Nice color.
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