This week has been one of motor madness! Last Sunday I went to the Cycle World Motorcycle show. In one word: Inspiration. The photo of me and Aubrie on the motorcycle was from there. We're Biker Babes! Okay, so we're not really. I must confess, I went home that night and put some elbow grease into sanding down the bondo on my poor dented up gastank. The bondo picture would be the one with the blue tank and some salmon-colored gunk on it. Whew! My left arm sure got a workout that night! As you can see, I've also made some progress on the bike frame itself-Dad and I attached the airbox tonight. We also put the speedometer and tachometer on as well as some other controls and hooked up some wiring. Then I primed all the body parts: the gas tank, the side panels, and front and taillight pieces. It's moving along. . .Good thing too, I get to sign up for my safety training class at the end of this month!
I picked out the exact color sceme for my motorcycle yesterday at the Chicago Auto Show. I had the general idea what color I wanted, but now I've got the whole kit and caboodle worked out. See the picture of the mini cooper? Well, That's the color blue I saw that one time behind my car (coincidentally on another mini cooper). The extra feature? I'm putting those racing stripes on my bike too! Oh, it's going to be so sweet! Next Saturday Dad and I are going to buy paint. Yippee! Now, the quandry: my helmet is black. Just plain black. (Black was the cheapest color helmet I could buy in the kind I wanted. Either that or white, and white wasn't my size). I had this hairbrained idea to paint my helmet. Now there are two options. Option #1: paint my helmet all blue (the same as my bike) and put white racing stripes on it. Option #2: leave my helmet black, but put blue (or white) racing stripes on it. So I have to decide. It would be easier to just leave it be all black, but I don't know if I want to. A little extra hassle, and I would look pretty spiffy zipping down the road with a matching bike and helmet. Decisions decisions.
Now for the last photo that I didn't explain yet. That beautiful piece of work is the (now I'm trying my best to spell this) Lamborgini. Aaaahhhhhh. Ever since I was a little girl and saw a little matchbox car Lamborgini, it was my dream car. As a young impressionable girl, I used to think I'd actually own one. HA! Now I'll only own one in my dreamt up fairy tales. Besides, even if I had that much money, I don't think I could validate spending it all on a car. But hey, it's free to dream about it, right? I can imagine myself buckled into the driver seat, top down, cruising down some beautiful country road at top speeds. . . . . . . . . Feel the speed! The wind in my hair, the dryness of my eyeballs as the wind whips away all the moisture from them (that's how fast I'd be going. Oh, and there would be no police or other cars, just me and my Lamborgini); in my dreams is where that'll have to stay. Zoom zoom. I'm content with my Grand Prix and kz400 in real life.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my little bike update and had fun imagining yourself behind the wheel of your personal dream car. Until next time, remember that you aren't the only one on the road, and there are policemen, so go the speed limit or not too far above it. Happy driving :)
Lizzie's Favorite Stuff:
Lizzie's Favorite Music: shuffle on all 908 or so songs on my iPod.
Lizzie's Favorite Movie: The Last Sin Eater (one of my favorite books turned into movie)
Lizzie's Favorite Book: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Lizzie's Quote of the Post:
"Die young, make a pretty corpse, that's my philosophy"
-Mark Lowry
(Don't get worried, I'll try not to die young. But then again, I don't control that either, do I?)
¡Adios amigos!
Talk about motor madness!! Both shows were a blast. I need to get myself one of those huge monster pick up trucks with the 3rd row seats. Can't you see me zooming down the road in one of those? I'd have a really really hard time finding a parking spot, though. Maybe a motorcycle will have to do for now. I have to say, we looked pretty hot on that bike. ;o)
Yeah! Get a motorcycle! Then we can go cruising around beautiful country roads and go on roadtrips! I think a nice little bike like mine would do nicely for you. Maybe one that doesn't need so much work though. Hey! You should take the motorcycle safety training class with me, and my Dad can teach you how to ride! Let's go!
Just wanted to post in your blog as you did in mine at work- though I've just been caught... ;)
Yeah, if you die on a motorcycle, you most certainly will not make a pretty corpse.
I had so much fun with you last night at the King and I. I can't wait until we see Meet Me In St. Louis!
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