Look! I made artwork again! I actually made this about a month or two ago, but I didn't put it up here until now. I had to let it age a little bit. I call it "Cat in Helvetica." I created the whole thing out of these letters: C A T c a t, and all in the font Helvetica Medium. I got the inspiration from a website that Amber sent around our department in an e-mail. I like it. So I'm kind of back in the saddle with making artwork that's not made of fabric.
I discovered last week when the weather got a little cooler that my lightweight motorcycle jacket wasn't warm enough for 50 degree morning rides to work! So I did what any reasonable motorcyclist would do: on payday I went to Chicago Cycle and stocked up on cold weather gear! I got a nice warm jacket and some pants too. I figured they would come in handy when I go on the Hunt for Red October... in October.
By the way, today is talk like a pirate day! At lunch, Amber and I celebrated by watching a littl Pirates of the Caribbean in my cubicle. I was a pretty nice way to break up the day. And I went around our department saying "shiver me timbers" when I was cold. Arrr, avast ye landlubbers!
The reason I've been so far behind on my blog is because I've been so busy with stuff, and when I haven't been so busy with stuff, I've been busily trying to sew my fancy dress for the Ambitech Booze Cruise (at least, that's what Dan calls it). It's really the 25th anniversary of the company, and thy're taking everyone to the Odyssey boat on Lake Michigan. It should be a blast, and I won't be boozed, either. So I'll post a picture of my dress after the event.
Lizzie's Favorites of the Post:
Lizzie's Favorite Movie: Finding Nemo
Lizzie's Favorite Book: Courting Trouble by Deeanne Gist. It really made an impact on the way I think about some things.
Lizzie's Favorite Music: BarlowGirl's new album, How Can We Be Silent.
Lizzie's Favorite Hobby: sewing and riding the Blue Streak! Vroom! And did I mention that I really like ATVs? I wish I had room for one, and one to ride on that room.
Can I get an 8 1/2 X 11 copy of Helvitica Cat? I want to use it in class. Thanks for the update. I almost left you an "update your blog" message last night! Love you!
Sure! I'll get one to you in the mail, since that would probably be sooner than the next time I see you.
Your cat is way cool! Love it.
hmmm. That is one tough bad looking cat! um yeah that's all I have to say.----> ...Randy...
Cool artwork good job!
Heather that cat is amazing!!!!
woohoo..first a cat..next the christmas card. YES!!!!
Love you chickie! ~ Moxie :)
Ah, yes, the Christams card... Maybe I'll find some extra time lost in my jeans pocket. It happens with money, so it can ahppen with time, right?
WOW that kitten is just sooo cute!I just could not stop lookin at it! I Love you very much. Your pictures look like have had very much fun in your life/3 quarters till 100! tbone
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