A couple of weeks ago I went to Florida for a little vacation. Boy, was it nice to experience a little bit of warmer weather! I saw motorcyclists all over. Something that you don't see here too much anymore. I went there with my brother Dan and our friend Rob. Oh yeah, and I was sick too. I think I was pretty much on medicine the whole time. But that was okay, medicine lets me still enjoy myself.
Let's see, what did we do? Well, we played several round of mini-golf, I feed hot dogs to baby alligators, we went to Disney for a day, and we went deep sea fishing. I caught two King Mackerals and a shark or two. I felt sorry for the fish, because once I pulled them out of the ocean, they never went back again. Those poor fish. I really only like to catch them and then let them go. I'm still slightly bothered about pulling in fish to die, and I never planned on eating them. I don't like fish. Oh well. I did let the sharks go. I would have been very sad if they were kept and killed. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a fisher person. Oh, wait, I knew that already!
Disney was fun. I was coerced to go on the Rockin' Rollercoaster. Now I can name all the Aerosmith songs that I heard while waiting in line to get on the ride. I really liked the Rockin' Rollercoaster; except for the three loop-de-loops. I did not like them! I tried to curl up in the fetal position when we went into those. I don't know, I think it's some lingering bad memories form that one carnival ride that I went on in high school. Speaking of high school, there were High School Musical stuff all over the place. Ugh! We saw the Indiana Jones Stunt thing, a really cool Lights, Motors, Action show, that had cars, burning rubber tires, fire, motorcycles, and stunts! It was awesome! I could go see that one again, definitely.
We ate at some fancy-ish restaurants, but my personal favorite was the German Biergarden in Epcot. A buffet that was scrumptously filled with meat, sausage, pretzel bread, pudding with chocolate shavings on it, and delicious carrots and potatoes. Mmmm, mm. And there were yodelers there who played all kinds of German instrumants and folk songs. Very fun! I needed a vacation. It was about time for one.
Lizzie's Favorites:
Lizzie's Favorite Book: Persuasion by Jane Austen
Lizzie's Favorite Music: Third Day's Offerings
Lizzie's Favorite Movie: Ocean's 13 and Mission Impossible III