Guess what! I put in my application to get my FOID card. That means I could own a gun, and shoot one in some places. Sweet. I forgot to put my height in on the application though. I hope they don't completely reject me for that. The photo you see here was one of my outtakes for the FOID photo. Somehow, I didn't think that the state police would look kindly on someone who looks like this. So I sent a better one. One that looks more sane. The police might like that one better.
So let's see, what have I been up to recently... I went on Saturday to Anderson's book store and met the author/illustrator of the Skippyjon Jones books and got a book signed by her. That was fun. I went with Meredith and her roommate from school Kendra. Then I had to race home, throw on my wedding clothes, and hop in the car to go to my cousin's wedding. My family was saying that I was going to make them all late, but please note that I was the first one outside waiting to get into the car. The wedding was very nice and a lot of fun. I made my feet hurt really bad by dancing away a lot of hours on the dance floor in my high heels. Well, more like medium heels. But my feet still hurt today. I hope they're better by tomorrow.
So, that about sums up what I;ve done recently. Oh, except for this: On Halloween, I dressed up in my 1770s dress and me and Dan and several of our friends went out to TGI Friday's dressed up in costume. You know, you just have to take advantage of the one day in the year where you can dress up in a costume and no one looks at you funny. And then we went to someone's house and watched Ghostbusters. That's about as scary as I want to get in my movies.
Lizzie's Favorites:
Lizzie's Favorite Book: Skippyjon Jones. "Holy Guacamole!"
Lizzie's Favorite Movie: I could say Everything in Illuminated, but I fell asleep and missed a lot, so I'll say the Office, even though it's technically not a "movie".
Lizzie's Favorite Hobby: Trying to find time to do things other than being a social butterfly. I find I have developed a very active social life every weekend...
Oh, I'm going to Florida in less than two weeks. That should be a lot of fun.
haha! You should do that the next time you have to get a new drivers license!!
Hey, nice to see a new post. Tim must be VERY proud of his little cousin...
Awesome. I just got my renewed FOID last weekend. I know what I'm buying next . . .
Yeah, I'll be getting one of those after I save up some money.
Side note to everyone: I have an updated post! I'm just waiting on Dan to give my the video that I want to stick it the post! So if you see him, give him a hard time!!!!
Tell him we're waiting...
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