Hi again. This little girl is Rosita Germania Fureroz Matos. This Christmas season, I'm going to find a sponsor for her. Here is my gameplan. I'm going to send out an e-mail to my department at work, and I'm going to have a picture of her in my cube. Of course, you can already see that she's on my blog. If nobody turns up for the job at work, I'll proceed to church and...my friends. I don't want to put pressure on everyone though. Most people who are reading this are still in college...I think. I also intend to send an e-mail about her to Mr. P, along with the rest of my department. She's cute, isn't she? Rosita hails from the Dominican Republic, and she's five years old. Hopefully I'll find someone to sponsor her.
Next item of the day. I went to Bath & Body today, and I confess, I bought *cough* eleven bottles of lotion. And not one duplicate smell either. Amazing, isn't it? Let's see, there's Cotton Blossom, Plumeria, Peony, Cherry Blossom, Moonlight Path, Juniper Breeze, Sweet Pea, Gardenia, Black Raspberry Vanilla, Pearberry, and Sheer Freesia. That ought to last me for a little while, don't you think?
As the final entry for this time, I must tell about how much I lack courage, especially when it comes to really important things. My story is similar to the man who was stranded on his rooftop in a flood, and he prayed that God would rescue him. Three boats come by and ask if he needs a lift, but he says no, God's going to save him. Then he drowns and when he gets to Heaven, he asks God why He didn't save him, and God tells him that He sent three boats. Well, that's kind of what happened to me, except with out the flood.
I've been praying for an opportunity to talk to Mr. P, and it came today. He was in the mock-up room and I walked in, said hi, and didn't say anything else for the whole two minutes that we were both there together. As Mrs. Bennet would say, "Oohhh! I've been having spasms and flutters all over me! Well, that's how I was for those two minutes. But, I'm done chasing my mind in circles about that. Instead, I've decided that I need a badge of courage to remind me not to be so shy. Like in that book, the Red Badge of Courage, only I think the red badge of courage in that book was a bloody wound. Maybe I don't want that kind.
Good day to you, and I shall be eagerly waiting to read your comments.
hello darling lizzie!
I am so thrilled to discover that you have a blog spot! I shall return regularly to call on you.
and 11 bottles that is just a bit of lotion.
Now you'll smell so delicious, Mr. P. won't be able to resist you! ;o)
The Lady Fair
(aka Jane)
My dear Lizzie, as soon as I asked you for your*ahem*...'help', I singled you out as the companion of my future life.
Now, now... I am not now to learn that it is usual with young ladies to reject the addresses of the man whom they secretly mean to accept(*giggle*)...I am by no means discouraged, and shall hope to lead you to the altar ere long.
By the way...so...you're going curly now? Well, I shall choose to attribute it to your wish of increasing my love by suspense(aww, come on! Let me smell it just once!!!), according to the usual practice of elegant females.
The La..
Um, I mean,
Mr. Collins
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