Hello! Aren't I in a fair way of updating my blog everyday? I'll have to stop that, or else everyone will come to expect it! Oh! Today was a most glorious day! If only words could describe! I have undone what I did yesterday, and THAT does not happen every day, now does it? I had a second chance with Mr. P, and I almost bypassed it again, until my small inner brave self urged me on to not have a repeat of yesterday. I was practically singing when it was all over... in fact, I think I was! It was "And the Glory of the Lord", by George Frederich Handel, and then I got a papercut. Ouch! But even that couldn't bring me back to solid terrain!
And I just finished watching the BBC production of Pride & Prejudice. I think that for the whole last half hour of that movie I can't stop smiling. As Anne Shirley would say "Oh, it's so romantic!" And I was reading the book too during lunch, I'm at the part where the Bennets discover that Mr. Bingley is returning to Netherfield to go shooting (and to get himself a wife!). It was, needless to say, a very relaxing lunch, and I couldn't help but wish that my lunch break was two hours instead of one. And tomorrow, I will be going to watch the new Pride & Prejudice (for the second time) with Lady Fair and World Denominator. With ice cream afterwards! Oh, it will be delightful! You know, I can't help it when I'm reading Pride & Prejudice to imagine myself as Lizzie (hence the blog name), and Mr Darcy is none other than... well, you get the picture. *sigh*
Okay, enough of this silliness. I also found a sponsor for Rosita, and it only took one day! I thought it would be a lot harder, but I sent out the e-mail, and ten minutes later, someone was asking after her. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I did ask God to help me find one. And that's not the only thing I've been talking with God about, but we'll leave that for another day.
And Lady Fair! Stop announcing false engagements all over blog-dom! You're giving people false hopes!
P.S.-I was wearing one of my new lotions today, I believe it was Pearberry, and as I was standing in the cafeteria microwaving my pizza, some guy from the warehouse came over to use the other microwave. He's standing there looking at me, and I just watch my pizza with renewed interest. Oh! Look at how the cheese bubbles! Still staring at me...then, "what kind of perfume are you wearing?"
'Um, I'm not wearing perfume"
"Well is it something else?"
"I guess it could be my hand lotion"
"Smells like strawberries (eeek! Pearberry has strawberry smell in it!) "It smells good"
"Uh, thanks?" (Beware when you go to Bath and Body and buy lotions at half off prices! You could attract the attentions of people that you don't want to!)
And that is Lizzie Bennett's good advice for the day. After all, as Lord Goring says, "The only good thing to do with advice is to pass it on"
Ahhhh! Help me! I just got an e-mail from Mr. Collins!
But on a happier note: Mr P(arcy) has a nice signing voice!
Shall I send him a virus?
Lizzie!!! Stop attracting all the wrong guys at work! What will Mr. P *say*!? It's bad enough you're the most sought after lady at church, let's not begin at work. :oP For shame.
People were getting a little too excited for me. I guess that's what I get for quoting Pride and Prejudice on *my* blog when the majority of it is *here*. Sheesh.
And what did Mr. Collins tell you in his email? That you've bewitched him body and soul. And he has to tell you how ardently he admires and loves you? How romantic. Get me a bucket so I can go barf.
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