I just found out that I am going on a Tyndale-sponsored missions trip at the end of February! I turned in my application a couple of weeks ago, and today I saw that I was going. I will be traveling to Biloxi Mississippi to help the elderly and the poor sort through and clean up their homes from Katrina. I'm really looking forward to it. I'll keep everyone updated as I get more information. So far, all I know is that I am going, and I'm going to be housed at the United Methodist Seaside Camp. In a twist of events that I don't understand but God does, Mr. P is going on the trip as well, but he is in team 2, and I am in team 1. Team 2 leaves for the same destination the day after team 1 gets back. I won't say I've been foiled again, because it was never my plan to be foiled in. Maybe someone will have to switch weeks and certain people will get moved to other teams to accommodate their schedule! But since matchmaking is not the reason that I'm going on this trip, I will try to be content. After all, look at all that Lizzie had to go through to finally marry Mr. Darcy!
Speaking of Mr. Darcy, I would like to say hello to Miriam who checked in on my blog. Hi Miriam! Yes, you do have to see Pride & Prejudice! It's so good! (I'm listening to the soundtrack right now, and it simply inspiring!) By the way, I'm drawing a picture of you from last year's recitation. I hope you don't mind that. I'll get you a copy when I'm done...whenever that may be.
And lastly, I would like to take a moment to remember my dear gecko, Stitch. In an emotional moment, Stitch decided that he did not want to live at home anymore. He ran away with nothing but the glass-clinging capabilities that he has to a place totally devoid of glass, believing, on a falsehood, that life under the bathroom cabinets and in the walls of the building in which I live would be glorious and better than anything I had ever provided him with. Without so much as a backward glance, he took off into the unknown, and I have yet to hear from him. Stitch has turned his back on everything he has known, choosing instead to live a wild and reckless life. Where he is now living, darkness reigns, and the light is banished. Doesn't he know that he needs the light to live? His very being depends upon it! Day after day, I stand upon the bathroom threshold and look for him to come crawling out of the depraved area where he has been residing. When (if) I see him coming, I shall kill the fattened cricket and throw a party for him, for my gecko that was dead to me will have returned.
*sob sniff snort sob*
*wipes dripping snot off of face*
sniffle. That was sadder than the ending of King Kong. Poor Heatherbird. At least you have such a nice little brother. But maybe he won't need to be nice and Stitch will come back.
It's so exciting that you're able to go! But the selfish part of me is screaming, "Lizzie!!!! What on earth are you *thinking*, running away on me, leaving me for a whole week. Cruel. Very cruel. Ugh, all the flutterings and spams all over me! Oh, the inhumanity...!"
But those hurricane victims need you. I just might be able to make it.(*sniff...sniff...* waaaahhh!)
Anon, Thanks. The "sweet literature" comes from listening to Pride & Prejudice music. It's simply inspiring. I started writing, and the stuff just poured out of my pencil... Or rather, the keypad.
Lady Fair, do you need a kleeex? Or maybe something a little more heavy duty? How but a monogramed hankie with an "A342" embroidered on it? Wait, maybe I'll use that hankie, because I haven't seen you for 2 whole days!
(muffled sobs smothered out by a pillow)
And did you know that not only my gecko has left me, but Lord Goring is in a rather serious state as well! It's really quite shocking! He has a fungus spreading over his fishy skin that he just can't shake! Appalling!
Didn't your other fish die of a gross fungus? Maybe you need to get new rocks or something.
I believe the problem lies with a cloth plant in his tank that has ever-growing-larger brown spots on it. So I took it out and threw it away. And today, Lord Goring's fungus looks a little better. And yes, my other fish did die of a gross fungu. But let's not talk about that now.
That would do it.
It's your other gecko pal here. :0 I need a super name- and if you get antoehr chance- a cape too. LOL If not for me, for my 23 lb counterpart. Interesting reads- thanks for lettign me in on the fun! :)
and BTW- I never said I could type. ;)
Hey, no problem! I think your super cool name should be Gecko Jr, Gecko for you love of geckos, and Jr. because you must be one of his biggest fans. How's that sound? Wait, I'm going to come by your cube and tell you myself.
Hey Heather,
No, I totally don't mind you drawing a picture of me. It's so flattering! Maybe one day men will come from all ends of the earth to gaze at my beauty. I will be as famous as the Mona Lisa, but I won't have that creepy smirk.(Right?)Anyway, when you're finished, I'd love to see it!
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