Yeah. That's what I feel like: a soggy wet dog. A soggy, wet, timid dog. Come on, how many perfect opportunities does a person get in a lifetime? If I weren't such a coward I could make the most of all those opportunities! I've run out of fingers to count how many times I have blown it. It being my chance to talk to Mr. P. I had like, one excellent opportunity this afternoon at work, one yesterday morning at work, like three chances the week of Christmas at various times of the day, all in the mock-up room. Sometimes I get so frustrated at myself that I feel like yanking on my hair. Can God just show me a crystal ball that has a picture of my future family in it? That would make it easier...or maybe not... I confess, I'm completely dim-headed when it comes around to anything related with me wanting to be more than "just friends" with a guy. I've never wanted to do that before. Oh tellers of wisdom, or rather, advisors, please pass on the expertise!
Maybe I should take a lesson from the Phantom of the Opera.
Step 1: Find a mysterious costume.
Step 2: Hide out in various locations at Tyndale.
Step 3: acquire detailed information on the subject; or get spies. Spies are good. Then I don't have to be everywhere at once.
Step 4: Find the subject's most favorite pastime, hobby, or interest. Get better than them in it, and "school them" on how to do it better so that I become "the Angel of ________" (fill in the blank).
Step 5: At the appropriate time, kidnap the subject.
Step 6: Get killed by an angry mob... or be forced to live my life in seclusion...
Maybe that's not such a good idea. The Phantom might have been timid, but his plan was bad. Plan B:
Find someone on missions team #2 and create a scheduling conflict for them. Invite them to the president's house or something. Then, sacrificially give up my spot in Team #1 to let that person have it, and then take that person's spot on Team #2. Mission accomplished. Then I'll spend one week being a timid dog and missing the Third Day/ David Crowder Band concert to boot. Maybe that's not so hot either.
Plan C (this is it!!!)
1. Pray
2. Pray
3. Pray (for courage especially)
4. Get bold (ask subject a question they can't evade when passing in the hall or meeting in the mock-up room. Punish myself if I don't. No ice cream for 2 months!)
5. Get super bold (get spy to find out if girl at the banquet was a "special friend" or just someone [please be the latter])
- If the girl turns out to be a "special friend", break down in sadness, cry and get it all out. If not, throw a party and carry out the rest of the plan!! -
6. Bring the Lady Fair to work and have her ask him the question that I dreamed she asked him. Way to go Lady Fair!
7. Pray again
8. Act normal, don't pull into my shell.
9. Take advantage of every opportunity
10. Pray some more
Can someone else just do this for me? I'm feeling chicken. buck bwauk buck bwauk!
This whole business is complicated. I think courtship was set up to weed out the chickens from the rest. I don't want to be a chicken! I don't want to be weeded out! Especially when someone check off so many items on the "potential husband material" list. I try so hard not to set my heart on things, but like I said, it's hard, and where do you find decent people these days? Especially ones who remind you so much of your own brother! If I could marry someone like Anonymous 342, I'd be set for life! (Lucky Lady Fair) Oh, I'm so in a quandary, and I had to spill it all out, my journal couldn't satiate this.
All comments of wisdom are welcome. Please click "comments" and leave me a morsel of courage.
I'd better post this now before I chicken out of it too!
I'm loving the Phantom of the Opera plan.
"In sleep she sang to me,
In dreams she came.
That voice which calls to me,
And speaks my name
And do I dream again?
For now I find,
The phantom of the mock up room is there,
Inside my mind!"
Ok, so, maybe that's not such a great idea after all...I'm not liking the idea of you getting killed by a mob.
I guess that would mean that the super espionage filled kidnapping any obstacles and shipping them off to Acapulco plan is out, too. *sigh* I'm very disapointed. I've always wanted to be a spy.
I could always go to Tyndale and act out your dream. :oP
Yes, I'm very blessed(not lucky). But never forget-- When I now look back at those hard times, I see how God taught me to trust in His faithfulness. And it was worth the confusion and fear. I wouldn't go back and change anything.
So I think the pray plan will work out the best. So much for espionage. We can always pretend, though, right? :oP
Yeah, hat's an inside joke in our family from when we play Stratego.
SPY!!! (In a fruity voice)
But I habe to concur. The pray plan is better.
I hardly have any words of wisdom, since I'm so young, and I blow all my chances with the guy I like. But, just be yourself, pretend you don't "like" him, pretend he's just a friend. Then you won't be so nervous, and you can just be your nice self, and he'll have to like you. This usually works for me, when I remember to do that. Plus, ask your mom what to do. They usually give pretty good advice, and whatever they did to get a husband worked. Good luck! (Praying is a good plan, too.)
Your mom and I were plotting last night. Ok, so it was nothing you didn't know about, but it sounds sort of mysterious, doesn't it? :oP
Remember to talk about brothers(*ahem* Like the one who you brought to the banquet!!! Your brother, not boyfriend.), and beards, and missions trips. Maybe even David Crowder band concerts.
You never know. It could be that he loves the David Crowder band and just *has* to go see them in concert.
Oh, no! He'll miss it if he goes with second group!! What's he going to do? He's got it. Maybe he can trade groups with someone. Yeah, that's a good idea. That way he won't miss the concert(*cough* come with us *cough*)and he'll get to serve with someone in particular...ahem.
I think it's simply brilliant. :o)
Lady Fair, Amber is in on the secret. Well, she had pretty much gathered all the information from my last blog to form a good educated guess as to who the elusive Mr. P might be. Maybe between the two of us we can conive on how to get him to play Dutch Blitz with us (*wink wink*) And Amber knows about the Third Day concert, and she may decide to come, so why not invite Mr. P along as well? Ditch team 2, ditch it I say!
Ohh Lizzie my dear, the fall did make things complicated, didn't it? How bout one of those lovely smiles you have - straight into his eyes?? How COULD he resist that????? And two or three a day with a "hello Mr. P" added to them - that's the way Mrs Schoenleber caught Pastor's eye!
That is very good advice. I will be following it diligently next week.
I think guys like girl's eyes. That with the smile will definately work.
Halfmom has such good matchmaking advice sometimes. :oP
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