This is my gecko, Algy. He's a lot bigger than he was one year ago! I celebrated my 24th birthday almost two weeks ago. Next year, I'll be a quarter of a century old! Wow! But saying it that way makes me sound older than I really am. But you're getting older every day, right?
I'm sorry it took me awhile to update this. See, I was press-ganged into making a dress for the play, "An Inspector Calls", at our church, and I volunteered to make a dress for Kline Creek Farm. On top of that, I decided to have a costume party for my birthday, so, of course, I had to make a Regency-style dress for that. I looked very Pride & Prejudice-y. So after my birthday, I had a nice conglomeration of gift cards. That started all the trouble. I've become a DVD-aholic!!! I got Mary Poppins for my birthday, I bought Pirates of the Caribbean 2 with a gift card, I bought Finding Neverland (because I lost it a year ago; if I loaned it to you, could I have it back?), Anna and the King, and Milo & Otis with a gift card plus cash, but then I watched Cars (thanks Elaine), and I loved it, so I cancelled my Amazon order of Finding Neverland (hoping it would show up, I give it one more month and then it'll have been gone for over a year!) and Anna and the King, kept Milo and Otis, and bought Cars! Then I went to Target, and they had Zorro for $7.50! So I got it, and then I saw One Night With the King, and I was going to buy it when it came out, but thought that it came out next week, not this week, so to get the sale price, guess what I did, I bought it. Then, I made a BIG mistake: I went to Frugal Muse with Dan and Aubrie. I bought Gone With the Wind. Arg. No more DVDs until end of February! New law.
Now, in the middle somewhere of the saga above, I noticed that my debit card wasn't working. So I called the bank, and asked why. They took my card number, and lo and behold, I was overdrawing on my account! How? Did someone steal my identity? Debit card fraud? Did I wake up in the night and go online and spend $600 on some random e-bay purchase? So I headed over to yonder bank to tell them they had made a terrible mistake! After sitting with the most patient teller for two hours and fifteen minutes, we figured it out. A transfer of $300 that I had Dan do for me wasn't showing up right. Upon closer examination, we discovered, instead of going from savings to checking, it had gone from checking to savings! Yikes! So instead of having $300 more in checking, I had $300 less! That's like, a $600 gap! (The $300 was to be for my helmet, which I actually got for cheaper! Sweet!). Thankfully, after transferring the money back, I was only $10 down because of overdrafting fees. Whew!
Now lunch is running out, so here are Lizzie's favorites:
Lizzie's favorite music: Carrie Underwood's "Some Hearts"
Lizzie's favorite movie: Cars, Ka-Chow!
Lizzie's favorite book: Well, I feel like saying Pride & Prejudice, even though I haven't read it recently.
Lizzie's favorite hobby: sewing, it would seam (pun intended!)
And Lizzie's favorite quote:
You can be Thunder, because thunder comes after Lightning! Ka-Chow!!!
-Lightning McQueen from Cars
At least you're not the only DVDaholic. Now I have to buy Cars. It's such a great movie, especially since Lightning McQueen is played by Owen Wilson. He's so funny!
p.s. Great job on Jen's dress.
Later, Mater! :oP
Checking to savings instead of savings to checking! What a bonehead move! This 'Dan' character must be so9me sort of moron!
Wjho can't sp3ll
I watched My Fair Lady last night with a hot water bottle on my stomach as I was feeling positively ill. Again. This morning I feel better. Again. I wonder if i've discovered a new ill ness. The "feel-sick-wednesday-at-work-but-feel-better-in-the-afternoon-then-feel-good-all-day-thursday-but-then-feel-sick-at-night-then-feel-better-again-the-next-morning" virus...
I just have problems.
Ahhhhggg!!! I succumbed to temptation! I gave in and bought cars. But, really, now. What better way to spend 20 bucks than buying cars? It's such a great movie!!
And this coming from the girl who said she hated paying $20 for a movie?!?!?!?
So far I've stuck true to my vow, and haven't bought a DVD (except for the $1 of Any Griffith shows off the damaged bookshelf at work :). And I'll stick to it until the end of February like I said I would. Hopefully.
Cars is a movie worth paying $20 for. The Disney and Pixar movies tend to be more expensive than your average movie anyway.
I had to take out my cake decorating stuff tonight because I'm making a birthday cake for Katie's birthday party tomorrow. Karen is having Panera delivered. Yum.
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