Sorry about the long space between updating. But you think I'm bad? You should check out Lady Fair's blog! Now talk about neglect! (Just kidding Aubs!)
Now, as you can see by the pictures, I've had a few exciting things happen. Firstly, notice the picture of me on the skeleton bike. That's my motorcycle! It's coming together isn't it? I'm so excited about it getting done. March 1st I can register for motorcycle training classes. Which leads me to my next photo. See the one with me in the motorcycle jacket and mom's helmet? (I just bought my own helmet today) I'm getting ready to go out and learn how to ride! Next comes me on the bike with Dad and Dan flanking on either side. They're telling me how to drive a motorcycle. Third in the set: I've taken off! There I go, down the block, driving for the first time! It was so fun, and SO cold! But it was worth it. That was the Saturday before Christmas. On Christmas day I rode again. That was interesting because there were a lot of cars parked on the street! Good obstacle training.
Now see the picture of me and four other girls? That was at the white elephant party for our Bible study group. Someone got a box of pink hair dye, and the five of us dyed out hair pink in the church bathroom. Talk about adventuresome! Another adventuresome thing I did was to go to uptown Chicago with five other people to stay with the Jesus People over New Year's weekend. It was a real experience. The Jesus People live together, in a sort of commune thing. Share and share alike. My group was put up in the penthouse (the building used to be a hotel). So we were 11 floors up and could see all the city. It was great. We served a lot of food to homeless people, explored the city at night, cleaned up parts of the building, and celebrated New Year's with the Jesus People. Well, I've got to go and watch Mission Impossible III now, but real quick, my favorites:
Lizzie's Favorites of the post:
Lizzie's favorite book: I finally finished Ivanhoe! It was good, but Sir Walter Scott is a wordy guy...
Lizzie's favorite CD: Some Hearts by Carrie Underwood and the Sweet Home Alabama soundtrack. Go country!
Lizzie's favorite movie: Swiss Family Robinson, Little Women, and I'm sure there's more...
Lizzie's favorite hobby: collecting Willow Tree figurines!
Quote for the post:
"Friends and Heroes is final!"
wow you look amazing on that bike!! whoo!!! I"m sure you'll have lot's of fun with it.
It sure was loads of fun! When the weather's nice again, I'll be back to practicing.
You can't have too many...
Happy Birthday! :o)
Woo Hoo!! I made the blog!!! :) Bye Bye Fiends.
Cool bike and nice hair! All you need next is a tattoo.
and so since I was not at church today, and you were not at church last week kuz of you b-day, I will have ask you how was your b-day?
For Miriam, I can use a temporary tatoo. In fact, (don't ask why) I'm wearing a temporary pirate tatoo right now! For Meredith, my birthday was good. I consider my party that I had to be the main fun part of my birthday, bcause on my real birthday I was at another place for my 1 year old cousin's birthday. (So it wasn't really MY day, although to say the day wasn't swell because of that would be a bit selfish, don't you think?)
Don't be manipulative. Guilt trips are never fun. I'm just waiting for something new to come along to comment on is all (hint hint ;o)
Hmmm, another boring day of 'work' at Spacestation Charlie. And by 'work' I mean reading a book until the 'progress' meeting at 3:00. What are we going to tell them? "Uh, yeah, we would have gotten a whole bunch of work done in the last five days if you had maybe...I don't know...DONE ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE!!!
(Three !'s = Insanity)
I'm liking the pink hair picture becasue the hanging in the background looks like a samuri sword and one of you is holding it.
Welp, back to 'work'
Brother 342
...And the 'riding' picture because it has the legendary Blurr of Fastness. By the by, after the play we should make a push to get your ride on line.
I have been trying to read Ivanhoe for at least three years now. Dan keeps pestering me about it. I have a hard time even getting through the first chapter. Kudos for finishing.
Ahhhhh!!! We're DVDaholics!!!!! What are we going to do?!
Well, besides not buy them anymore. I guess that's the only solution. It's not even like I have time to watch them all. I think the boys watch all my movies more than I do. They like the fact that their sister has all these cool movies they can watch for free. At least they're getting put to good use.
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