This is an ode to Bo, my poor black, buggy-eyed goldfish. I came into work this morning, and he was dead. Poor Bo.
My Ode to Bo:
Here's to my little buggy-eyed goldfish Bo,
Who swam in his tank to and fro.
Bo had a gold tankmate,
a fish named Jangles who ate
all poor Bo's fins off!
But Bo kept his head aloft,
And grew back some fins;
When bored I would watch him spin
circles around the tank.
Now he's gone but I thank
My little fish that entertained.
—The End—
And so Bo has gone off to the big aquarium in the sky...It's pretty clear that I should never be a poet.
Now to throw off the morbid mood, here are my favorites of the post:
Lizzie's Favorite Music: Skillet's CD "Comatose". It's great for rolling down the windows after a long day, playing it pretty loud, and singing at the top of my lungs with. Go Skillet.
Lizzie's Favorite Movie: The Sound of Music. How did I get through so much life without seeing it?
Lizzie's Favorite Book: Still working on finishing "Silk" by Linda Lee Chaikin
Lizzie's Favorite Hobby: Sewing... Again.
Lizzie's Quote of the Post:
"I can't get this phone to unlock! Hey, someone's calling it!"
—Josh when he was trying to break into Dan's cell phone.
that's so sad that Bo died. Alexander the Great and Wild Thing will forever remember Bo.
i'm sorry about Bo.
Tears for the little fighter.
just passing by and saying hello - and I guess bye to Bo
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