If someone came up to me and said "You have one month to do any job you want. What do you pick?"
A Demolition Worker! It would be so cool to operate one of those big CAT things with the claw and pull down old buildings and just watch stuff crumble! I would just sit in my CAT thing, and use those little knobby-thingys to control the claw, and make it smash through walls and pull all kinds of stuff down. That would be a sweet job for a month.
I've recently thought that would be a fun job to have for a month, although ultimately, I like where I'm at now. I think I caught the demolition-bug last Faebruary when I went on the missions trip with Tyndale to Biloxi. Ever since then I've been interested in demolition. But I'd only like to do it full-time for a month I think. Demoltion in the dead of winter and the heat of summer must not be too fun. Maybe spring and fall demolition? Or maybe I should just stay at Tyndale. It's good year-round.
Lizzie's Favorites of the Post:
Lizzie's Favorite Music: the song "Let Go" by BarlowGirl, and the "Comatose" CD by Skillet.
Lizzie's Favorite Book: This week, it's one I've never read. But, my name is one the copyright page, and I helped design it, so my pick of the post is "Happily Ever After" by Susan May Warren.
Lizzie's Favorite Movie: Haven't watched one, but I was talking about "Wives and Daughters" yesterday with Elaine...
Lizzie's Favorite Hobby: Sewing.
Lizzie's Quote of the Post:
"I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by..."
—Captain Jack Sparrow
You know how you said that I take after my mother?
This is all I have to say about that:
Love you!
Lady Fair must love me! She's using my initials over and over again in a repeated pattern!
Or wait, is she *gasp* laughing at me?!?!?!?
Expect to hear from me tonight, when the bell tolls 4:30!
-Yeah, sorry. That was definitely a delayed reaction.
-I'm loving the series of girl movie nights idea. I can't wait until we start.
-Wait till you see my sweet new glasses.
-Isn't it pretty lame when one has to leave a comment summarized in bullet points?
The Sound of Music is such a great movie.
The hiiiiiiiiills are alive, with the sound of muuusic...
Ka-Chop, Ka-Chow!
By the way, the Sound of Music is only 15 some dollars on Amazon... Tempting!
I know. I actually looked it up this morning. Shame on me.
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