For those of you wondering what on earth I’m talking about with my title of “cat sick,” yes, I’m weird. Actually, (although this doesn’t excuse me from being weird) I picked up the phrase in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince a couple of weeks ago when I was reading it in preparation for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I got to a paragraph that mentioned that Draco Malfoy had looked like he had just stepped in ‘cat sick’. I couldn’t help myself. I just started laughing! The idea of calling cat barf ‘cat sick’ just tickled my brain. So now I call cat barf cat sick. I know it’s a lovely subject to name my blog about, but in the past couple of days, I’ve been able to use the words ‘cat sick’ quite a lot, so it’s on my mind. Yesterday, Amber was updating a cover file for one of our One Year books, and on the back cover, there’s a drawing of a cat laughing on it’s back with what is supposed to be peanut butter next to it on the floor. You’re not fooling me though—peanut butter? Yeah, right. That’s cat sick! (You can tell by looking at the front cover illustration that it is peanut butter, but on the back cover, when the cat is isolated by himself, it’s definitely cat sick. No doubt about it. I hope you enjoyed that little tangent. As you can probably tell from my picture on this post, it's a day of randomness.
This week is VBS at church, and guess what? I actually get to help! They decided to have it in the evening this year for various reasons, and so, I can help! I just go home from work, inhale some dinner, and fly to church to help out in my special area—crafts. Sadly, I haven’t been able to “fly to church” on my excellent motorbike, thanks to our good friends Rain. Grrr.
My brother is in the Philippines right now. He left on Saturday morning and flew for a really long time to get to Hong Kong. And then from there he went on to Manilla. I hope he’s having a good time, and being stretched a lot too. I know he’ll come back with a gazillion stories to tell, but for now we have to be content to wait for him to come back to tell us those stories. And I’m flying out to Thief River Falls this Saturday! I’m going to have a great little road trip with Elaine and her roommate back here to the good ole’ hometown. So be looking for a post about that when I get back. It’s going to be a blast!
Saturday I also went on a motorcycle ride with my parents and their CMA (Christain Motorcycle Association) group. It was fun. I rode in a formation of one of those giant (but not too giant) groups of motorcycles that you see sometimes on the road, and we went about a hundred miles. We ended the ride at a little ice cream place in Aurora, and they gave out free slushies with every order. I got a medium chocolate cone, and it was about eight inches tall! And then I ordered a basket of fried okra. Mmm, mmm, good! I love fried okra. I want some now…
Lizzie’s Favorites of the Post:
Lizzie’s Favorite Music: Redemption Songs by Jars of Clay. They have I’ll fly away on that CD!
Lizzie’s Favorite Movie: The Bourne Ultimatum, Sahara, and parts of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Mostly, the parts I liked the best were the parts with the motorcycle in them. There were some unnecessary parts in there though…
Lizzie’s Favorite Book: An Echo In the Darkness by Francine Rivers.
Lizzie’s Favorite Hobby: Sewing! What a surprise! (and motorcycle riding!)
My favorite phrase...twitchy little ferret aren't we??
Wasn't that Mad-Eye Moody (the fake) when he transformed Malfoy into the little ferret? And he was bouncing him up and down too, that was great...
Please join mychurch.org when you get the invite. Thanks. :D Hope you are enjoying life and your motorcycle! :)
Hey look. I'm NOT reporting from jail! LOL. It was SO quiet here today. sniff. sniff. Hope your trip went well.
Guess what-
Maybe you should sit down first...
I've updated my blog.
It's true. :oP
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