Hear ye, hear ye! This last weekend I went to the Bristol Renaissance Faire. I must say, it was most delightful. My second year there, and still so mush to see—jousting matches, falconry, girls who think they’re historically accurate wearing chain mail bras (aren’t they aware that bras weren’t invented until the early 1900s?), glass-blowers and sculptors, etc, etc. I dressed up in my peasant’s outfit again, with a few revisions. I didn’t wear my peasant’s shoes though. They were very dusty and grimy, and not the most comfortable, so I wore flip-flops. I know that looked very historically accurate, complete with Legally-Blond-pink toenails. But it was way more comfortable for me.
We car-pooled up there, and in the morning, it looked ominous because of the heavy gray clouds hanging in the sky. Thankfully, it cleared up, and was sunny and bright for the majority of the day. I had a great time looking into all the little shops and seeing the artisans at work, and being there with my friends. I think the coolest things that I saw were the falconry falcons with their hoods on, the acrobats with knives and fire, the glass-sculptor, and the delicious strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone that I had right when I felt in desperate need of it. I liked that nobody looked at me like I was weird in my Medieval get-up either. Some of the costumes they had there were exquisite (not the chain-mail bras though). I was inspired to sew another costume. We’ll see how that turns out. For lunch I partied up with Joanna and Aubrie and we got a plate full of fried vegetables! Mmmmmmmm, greasy goodness. There were fried broccoli, zucchini, potatoes, onions and carrots. And we each got a turkey leg. See? We were covered; we had our meat and vegetables!
After a full day of fun-ness, the Faire closed, and we were forced to leave. We had dinner at an Oasis over the highway, and I was disappointed to see that Subway had no Dr. Pepper, and their Sprite (which isn’t my favorite anyway) was yellowy. So I made a new discovery—raspberry iced tea (sweetened) mixed with a third of lemonade is really very good. You can hardly taste the tea at all! So I have a new delicious drink in my mental menu.
My readers might remember that I had a goldfish at work named Jangles. He was the killer of a few of his tankmates, but I could never actually get rid of him, though I threatened it. Well, a couple of days ago, Dan’s giant guorami died, and his 20-gallon tank was empty. So, I took Jangle home to give him more swimming space (he was getting too big for the 2-gallon tank at my office). He likes it very much. Anyway, I needed new fish for my 2-gallon, so I went to PetCo at lunch on Monday, and I got four new little fish. They are black neon tetras, and I named them very appropriately: Kawasaki, Suzuki, Harley, and Honda. I think the need a fifth friend to be completely happy, and I shall name him Ducati (the rich man’s motorcycle) and of course, I need an algae eater; Vespa (the scooter).
And now for Lizzie’s Favorites of the Post:
Lizzie’s Favorite Music: the Daughtry CD, and Alison Kraus’s Lonely Runs Both Ways.
Lizzie’s Favorite Movie: the Importance of Being Earnest, even though I haven’t seen it in awhile.
Lizzie’s Favorite Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Lizzie’s Favorite Hobby: Riding my motorcycle!
Hasta la vista. . .
1 comment:
Yeah an update!! :)
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