Guess what?!?!? I got two VIP tickets to the Brad Paisley concert on August 26th! I'm so excited! I also can't wait to tell my brother, but he's still in Osaka, so I can't until tomorrow. Dad forwarded an e-mail to me last week about some VIP tickets from his work, and he wanted to know if I was interested. YES!!! I replied. So today after work, my family met up at a deli for dinner, and I see this long white envelope sticking up out of my dad's shirt pocket, and I saw "Brad Paisley" written on the front in black pen. Oh boy! Tickets! Plus, it was hilarious, because today at lunch Amber and I found out that we could go to the Jiffy Lube right down the street from Tyndale and US 99 was giving away tickets every three minutes. As it should turn out, Amber got four free tickets, and Priya got free tickets, and someone else from Tyndae got free tickets! Wow. So I am of a very tickety mindset today, but that's okay. It'll be really fun to go to my first country concert. Yee-haw! I'm gonna have a knee-slappin' good time, and I'm gonna drink 'sweate teay'. Mmmm, I can't wait...
This weekend I went on my fly/roadtrip with Elaine. I flew out on Saturday, and I'm sure most of my readers have heard the story, but I missed my connecting flight to Theif River Falls. But God worked things out and I got a flight to Grand Forks instead, the same city where Elaine and her roommate were at school in. So it worked out. Then we got in the car and started driving. It was a blast. I got to see Elaine again after two months of her living in North Dakota, and I got to know her roommate too, which was very nice. Now, where can we go for our next roadtrip? Oh! I know, Kansas!
Lizzie's Favorites:
Lizzie's Favorite Music: I have to say it; Brad Paisley.
Lizzie's Favorite Book: Still "An Echo in the Darkness"
Lizzie's Favorite Hobby: Seeing the great lands on America.
Lizzie's Favorite Movie: Pride and Prejudice, and I liked Hairspray too.
Yay! A Brad Paisley concert. How exciting! I wish I could go.
I'm glad we can stay in touch with computers- it's so fast and easy.
I'm much more cooler online, anyway.
So am I.
I'll take a lot of pictures to show you, and then it could be like you're there :)
...and you won't need the "shot-through-the-binoculars" trick with your seats!!ght
Not unless I want to get really close-up! I can take pictures and then give you copies. They'll just be closer-ups of what you see...
Hey, cousin, it has been a while since I checked you blog, and I was glad to see so much fun stuff to read. How do you discipline yourself to eat 16 m&ms? Love you!
Hoo-yah! We're going to have so much fun..Can't wait! Thanks for coming over tonight and having dinner...I hope my friends didn't scare you too much...
Love ya ~ Moxie ~
Hope you had a great time seeing Brad Paisley!
And happy dentist-ing!
Love you.
Your sick friend is still waiting to see pictures...
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