The designer in me says that this is way cool! (Not the beer, the coaster!) Check it out! A conglomeration of stretched and distorted type reflects perfectly on the glass to say "Good things come to those who wait." Neat-O! I wish I was the genius who thought up that! It's just way too cool. Maybe, someday when I get married and I'm planning my cool wedding stuff (I'd better watch out, all the "cool design stuff" I see somehow gets incorperated into being a part of my someday maybe wedding!), I'll make coasters that can reflect messages into fake glass glasses. There will have to be a dark liquid in the glass though, or my saying won't show up... How about Dr. Pepper! Perfect. Now about the phrase... How about "Good things come to those who wait!" Wait, I think Guiness might have that copyrighted. Take 2, how about "...and they lived happily ever after, the end." Yeah, that could work. Sweetness!
Alright, I don't have too much to say, other than my Mr. Motorcycle is now in the garage! I've changed that poor bike's name more often that I can count. First Figment, then Donald Duck, now Mr. Motorcycle seems to fit. It works well with Mr. Grand Prix, the name of my car. (We're on personal terms though, so I usually call him just Grand.) And we can't forget Geefe the Apple G5 (my computer), or iPPi iPPi the iPod (self-explanatory I think. My iPod has the same first name and last name. Kind of like Robert Robertson, or Lars Larson, or Peter Peterson, or James Jameson, or William Williams... you get the picture.) So am I sick or what? Naming all my stuff? I've heard that such behavior is more prevelant amoung women than men. Oh, and to honor the fallen, we must not forget my good 'ole trusty Bonnie the Bonneville. Just for kicks and giggles, I'd be interested in seeing comments about anything my loyal readers might have that is inanimate, and yet bears a name. If you have something with a name, what is it? (thing and name). I hope my sewing machine doesn't feel left out! It is my other important electric maechanism, and it is nameless! How awful! Any suggestions? Maybe Bernie the Bernina, or Bernice the Bernina? (My sewing machine is a girl, whereas all the other stuff with the exception of Bonnie the Bonnevile are not).
You know what? I want a baby! Amber brought her sweet little Ashleigh and adorable Payton to work for a visit today. It made me want a little baby! I guess I'll have to wait on that though. Payton was so cute; if you ask him what Lightning McQueen says, Payton replies "ka-chow!' I love it! Ka-Chow!
In one week, I'm going to be rich! I just put my first ever two things up for auction on e-Bay. Next Friday, the bids will be up and I will be mailing off (hopefully) my first 1770s dress (not the brand-spankin' new elegant and exquisite one), and two itty-bitty little motorcycle/atv tire tubes. If you want any of those things, you'd better go bid fast! I should have said that they were touched by a relative of someone famous (me, being that I'm related to an astronaut!) and then they would've sold for a truckload of sweet moolah! $$$$$$$$$$$ Yeah right. Who am I kidding?
Okay, it's 11:30 pm now, so I'd better move on to my favorites of the post. Here they are, I know you (my loyal readers) have been waiting with baited breath:
Lizzie's Favorites of the Post:
Lizzie's Favorite Music: David Crowder Band's "A Collision (or 3+4=7)" album. All I can say is "I am yours forever and ever and ever and ever," etc.
Lizzie's Favorite Movie: "Finding Neverland." I actually broke down and re-bought it. If you have the lost one in your possesion, just give it to Dan, I've got a new one. That movie is good, but so melancholy at parts!
Lizzie's Favorite Book: I finished "A Severe Mercy!" Holy smokes, that Sheldon Vanda-whatever-his-name-was was a really romantical guy! I think he was a little over the edge. I mean, come on, no kids because they might come between him and his wife? What's with that? In the end he came around though. I do credit him for that.
Lizzie's Favorite Hobby: Hmmm, playing Call of Duty, working on Mr. Motorcycle, sewing cute little baby dresses, and crocheting. Oh! And don't forget shopping at JoAnn's for a new pattern and fabric for a dress! Um, I think I have my fingers dipped into too many pots. Oh well, you only live once, right?
Lizzie's Quote of the Post:
"Peter's crow eats a lot. Yesterday it ate 12 worms, a bunch of bugs, a slice of bread and water. I don't know who's going to feed it next week, but it won't be me!"
-an excerpt from a letter that Mrs. Taylor read in chapel last week.
Guess what!!!! I made a quilt!!!!
Ok, so maybe I'm not quite done with it yet. I still have to add the batting and do the actual quilting, but I made a quilt!!!
It was loads and loads of fun! And we even watched this 4 hour BBC movie, North and South. It's based off a book by the same author of Wives and Daughters. You would love it. It was excruciating to say the least. We had North and South breaks in between sewing and it killed us to stop watching it. Forget the dining room table, the only way we could fit it in was to watch it while we ate.
Now guess what else. Your brand new project is a quilt! Now that I know all the tricks on how to do it, you get to learn! Yay for you! It's so much easier than you think. Quilting is so much fun!
But really, this is all I need, another craft to get into. But we had a marvelous 2 days.
Hasta manana!(see? Can you tell I've been practicing! :oP)I'll bring pictures tomorrow.
p.s. Just for fun I looked up your dress on ebay.
p.p.s. No babies for you yet. :oP
I am actually wanting to listen to more praise music, like Chris Tomlin and David Crowder. I am sorry I missed you all in Bible study last week. Sometimes, I want to get married and have kids too, but then I think about how hard it is...and I doubt.
Rachel (a.k.a "P")
On the Unliving Named:
I have a sword named Argusantheus.
My car has a designation from an imaginatry world I often live in. It's formal designation is a Light Transport, but the Federation would confiscate it if they knew it had warp capabilities....
My bike (the one with the 850 cc engine where the pedals should be) hasn't told me her name, but I happen to know that she's Asian, because it has "Suzuki" written on the side.
My computer is called BlackBox
My iPod is called SoundBox
My cat's name is Olivia. And she knows this.
I think the urge to name our possessions comes from being created in the image of God. We like to think that we have things with souls which exist only to sing our praises and serve us. Nameing something is a way to give it a soul. Don't believe me? Remember when you sold your first car? Remember how you almost cried? I know I did.
It is amazing to think that God knows each of us by name, and he treasures each of us as we treasure those things which we name. And he also mourns us when we fall, when we break. But unlike we mere men, He is willing to repair those who will allow themselves to be remade.
I like that, Anonymous. I name something because I'm trying to give it a soul. It's true I think. You're so insightful...
-love, Hister
Speakign of weddings- did she say yes? I must be oblivious- I didn't know he was dating anyone- much less someone at Tyndale?
She did say yes. It is Cara Lacey from Editorial. All the designers stuffed white balloons in his cube and hung signs all over that said things like "Did she say YES?" and "Did you KISS her?", and there were flip-flops under all the balloons that said "groom" on the sole part. It was pretty funny, I knew when he got to work, because there was a huge cheer coming from the direction of the big room. Too bad you missed it, but I pretty much filled you in just now :)
Sad I did miss it. But thanks for the fill-up.
Oh, and I don't name things- just kids. ;)
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