This blog will be about two dreams accomplished: My motorcycle is painted AND I got to drive a Corvette ( a childhood dream). First, I painted the motorcycle parts. That started out bad. Just like last week. Spray paint on, see how pretty it is, watch in horror as paint starts to run. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankfully, my very smart Dad rushed them upstairs and used Mom's hairdryer to dry the paint, then he quickly sanded the stuff off, and we painted in light, light coats of blue. Lots of light coats. So we finished that, and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. (I think Dad did too.) Problem was, I think I could've gotten high off paint fumes from the big inhale and following sigh of relief. So then I admired the pieces on the counter. Then I went to a reception for a wedding that happened a week ago, and then afterwards I went with some other friends to play Call of Duty ( and Lady Fair is VERY mean to me when we play Call of Duty, and she shoots me and says she's going to "splatter my brains." Real nice. Some busom friend, I was always nice to her...) So anyway, when I came home at 1:00 am this morning, I saw that my motorcycle parts weren't on the counter anymore, and I knew right away: Dad put them on the motorcycle! So I ran down the stairs, and lo an behold! the picture you see here is what greeted me. Ka...Chow. There's a engine-shaped hole, but once we fill that, there will be the rumble of an engine roaring to life in my garage. This week will be the exodus from the basement to the garage.
Now, about dream number two: I got to drive a Corvette! Do you actually know how long I have thought that I would only get to do that in my dreams? (Well, granted, last night I dreamt that I was driving a Lamboghini, but hey, we can dream, right? I blame car show.) Well, today, that dream became reality. Rob trusted me enough to let me drive his Corvette. I'm not sure I would let anybody else drive my regular old Grand Prix. But anyway, I got to drive it. It was only in circles around the church parking lot though, but still! Man, the power behind that engine was a thrill. So, this was my first time outside of the motorcycle driving a manual transmission, and that was interesting to learn. Let's just say I'm not fluid at it yet. But I was able to get is shifted fair enough and started up in a fair sort of style by the time my lesson was complete. I think I must've inherited some of my dad's racing blood, because I got way too much fun out of turning that car into ovals and figure eights in 3rd of 4th gears. Vroom vroom.
So aside from some video-gaming and shopping at Meijer and church, that was my weekend.
Lizzie's Favorites of the Post:
Lizzie's Favorite Music: BarlowGirl's CD, "Another Journal Entry"
Lizzie's Favorite Movie: Casino Royale with a bunch of exceptions: the carousing with every available and unavailable women, the torture scene where I felt it was necessary for me as a proper lady to leave, and the part in the museum where he's looking for the bad guy in gasp! Body Worlds! Scary!
Lizzie's Favorite Book: Still haven't finished one, but "Severe Mercy" is good.
Lizzie's Favorite Hobby: Wiring my motorcycle so it lights up, learning to drive a Corvette, NOT painting motorcycle parts again, and crocheting.
Lizzie's Quote of the Post:
Only four more minutes until the weekend! Wait, three, but I'm not counting...
What!! *Me* be mean to *you*?!
Well, ok, maybe...but only when we play Call of Duty. Remember, when you're one of those nasty Americans with your tommy gun, shooting at me, trying to blow out my brains, what's a German girl to do? Shoot back, of course!
I've told you before that you're not my friend when we play that game. Besides, what type of person would I be, killing my best friend every time she respawns? Not a very nice one. :oP So I have no choice but to disown you for a short(*cough*) amount of time.
I always love you again afterwards, anyway.
Your bike looks way cool! It looks like you'll be riding all your sweet moolah around town pretty soon. :o)
I'll see you tomorrow at Culvers.
Love you!
Hooray! Culver's! I think unless they've got a really good flavor of the day, I'm going to get a chocolate cone. Mmmmmmmmm. Someday when I get married, I'm going to skip the wedding cake part (and Lady Fair is thankful for that!) and I'm going to serve up ice cream and sundae fixin's on every table. Scrumptous!
That's right I'm thankful for that. :oP
No, actually, if you ever do want me to make your wedding cake, I would do it for you. If you asked me Friday night, I would have told you never in a million years. But now I would. :o)
Now imagine that same beautiful motorcycle picture, but with black pinstriping! I think Mr. Motorcycle is ready for a move out of the chop shop basement, and into the garage! Then, let's see, there will be one car and four motorcycles! Does that look hillbilly-ish?
what a lovely shade of blue - I'm very impressed with you and your dad! the paint fumes - now that's a different matter....
Eee!! It makes me so excited to see an almost finished bike!! Yeah!! What's the countdown now to your class? ;)
Slightly less than two months!
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