Okay, for all you people who said they were "suffocating" from waiting with baited breath for my next post; I just want to let you know that it said "coming soon" not "coming now." I guess that's what happens in this instant gratification society that we live in. (Ugh! Gosh computer! You're being SO slow! I clicked on this website 5 seconds ago and it's not loaded yet! It's like molasses!*)
*I'm guilty of saying this. I must be a product of the instant gratification society that we live in.
So anyway, I'm posting now. As you can see from my photos, I've been very industrious lately. The thing that I've been working on the longest is what I'll tackle first: Motorcycle! That's my new imperfect paint job that you see shining so briliantly on the screen. Sad news is, if you look real close on the photo, not so close in real life, you can see the hugest run of clear coat. Nooooooooooooooo! But wait, there's more: The blue paint reacted badly with my primer on the taillight mount, and side panels. It melted the primer and it all dripped down to look like rain on a dirty window! Plus, I got a small run on my headlight bucket, but out of all the pieces, it looks the best. So we (Dad and I) have to sand off the runs, re-clear-coat those pieces, and sand down the primer puddle ones and paint them with white first (as we did on the two pieces that didn't run), and then I have to go buy more blue paint (since we wasted a lot on those crummy parts), paint blue on, and then clear coat it all and hope we get no more runs. Phooey. But the paint DOES look really cool! I'm going to put black pin-striping on the lines between the blue and white. Sweet! And, I got signed up for Motorcycle Safety Training classes, and I've started to practice driving around the block (illegally, I don't have a permit, but I do have another person riding next to me) to get a head start on the class. I already read the whole textbook for the class too. It helps to have one lying around the house from previous biker parent's class. May 18-20 are the special dates! Wo-Hoo!
Now, as you can also see from my photos, I've been hard at work on the sewing machine (and the needle and thread) making this revolutionary war era dress. Isn't it splendid? I haven't hemmed up the bottom of the underskirt yet, but it's pretty close to being done. Now, what can I wear it to? Hmmm...
And today, Amber's baby decided that it wanted to come into the world. How exciting! But I've been sitting on tenterhooks all day, waiting to hear if she had her baby, if it's a boy or a girl, and how cute it is! I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Babies are so cute! I'm going to make a little baby outfit as soon as I find out if it needs to be a dress or a little pair of pants with a shirt. Vital information there.
Well, I need to check on my laundry, so quickly, here are Lizzie's Favorites:
Lizzie's Favorite Music: NOT the cricket chirping all by his lonesome in my brother's room. Can we let the tarantula out to go find it and kill it? I's so annoying at 1:00 am. My real favorite music are some Johnny Cash songs like "Ring of Fire," and "Get Rhythm". Also, Sanctus Real's "Fight the Tide" album. It feels so springly.
Lizzie's Favorite Book: I haven't finished one in a sad while :(
Lizzie's Favorite Movie: Space Balls - The Movie "Fooled you!" -Dark Helmet
Lizzie's Favorite Hobby: Besides sewing dresses and painting motorcycles? Playing Call of Duty!
Quote of the Post:
Raspberry? I hate raspberry! Only one person would dare give me raspberry; Lone Star!
-Dark Helmet again
It's a girl! Amber had a little girl, named Ashleigh Joyce, and now I have a perfect excuse to sew little cute baby dresses!
That's what I think about your dress as well as your new paint job, runs and all.
Sorry she took SO long!! Your dress looks great. Sorry the painting didn't go as well, but you'll get it. Looks like I'm heading home tomorrow night. Yeah!! Real food (though the hospital food here isn't THAT bad...
This is me right now:
ahhh. I feel so much better...
Don't you like the scrolling action? :oP
You're INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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