Sunday, November 20, 2005

I've hopped aboard the bandwagon

Upon much thought and by popular demand, I have created a blog. *Gasp* I have "hopped the bandwagon" so to speak. I have no clue what I am to write about. I spent too much time deliberating over a name for my blog to spend much time doing that.

At this time, I would like to thank my beneficiaries who have encouraged me, bantered me, and insisted most pressingly that I create a blog. Lady Fair and Anonymous 342, this goes out to you. ( Anonymous 342, please note that you did not "insist most pressingly" on me. That would be Lady Fair's doing, but then, you can't blame her for anything.)

Additionally, I would like to explain what I think my blog will be about. Certainly you (the reader) have noticed that the title of this blog is "The Musings of a Lizzie" That would be Miss Elizabeth Bennett from one of my favorite books, Pride & Prejudice. Seeing how I view myself as a person a lot like Lizzie and how most blogs consist of musings, well, you get the picture. It'll basically be ramblings and thrilling stories (but they won't be anything compared to yours, Anonymous, they'll be more like Anne's) and lamented woes. Our society needs more laments. As long as it's not complaining thinly veiled as a lament. I despise complaining. It is the annoying piece of grissle that always finds it's way into the center of you delicious cut of chicken.

And now...release the dogs of comments (not war).

As Kip would say: Peace out!


Lady Fair said...

Yay!!! My dear sister, Lizzie! I'm so glad you finally joined us. Do enlighten us with all of your marvelous moments with that good looking Norwegian, Mr. P. :oD

The Lady Fair
-aka Jane with a "Mr. Bingly" who's much better than the real one. ;o)

paroikeo said...

Ahhh... Mrs. Bennet, Miss Bennet, Miss Bennet, Miss Bennet, Miss Bennet, and..... Miss Bennet! How good to see all of you again!

(knock - knock)

Oh, my goodness! Everybody behave naturally!

Lizzie Bennett said...

Hooray!!! Comments!

I only have one regret...
Upon reading my very own copy of Pride & Prejudice, I realized, much to my chagrin, that Bennet is only spelt with one t, not two, as I have done. Alas! However, the spelling with one t may not have been available, therefore, I will remain with two t's.